By Guy Holstein, Vice President of Operations, H&M Transport

What it is: NEMT is a service that provides transportation to and from medical appointments for people who need more assistance than a taxi. NEMT is available for non-emergency medical needs, such as visits to doctors' offices, hospitals, and dialysis facilities.
Who it's for: NEMT is available to people with disabilities, those with limited public transit options, and low-income beneficiaries.
How it's funded: NEMT is sometimes funded by Medicaid, state and local programs, departments of aging, and hospital systems.
How to book: NEMT services can be booked in advance, or same-day demand is available. Travel is usually booked through transportation brokers, case managers, through our website or via phone.
How it's provided: NEMT providers are equipped to transport riders in wheelchairs, stretchers, or with other special needs. NEMT services can include taxicabs, public transit buses and subways, and van programs.
Demand: Demand for NEMT services is growing due to the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and a growing geriatric population.