By: Dan Reid, President/Managing Member, Grove Transit

The Transportation Alliance has many exciting networking, educational, business growth, and sharing opportunities planned in the coming months. I wanted to highlight just a few in my update, but you should check the events page on our website and read your emails to stay current with all that is going on.
New Membership Rate for Small Fleet Companies
Companies with 5 or fewer vehicles in their fleet can now join TTA at our $50/5&Under rate. That’s right!!! TTA membership for $50/year for operators with 5 or fewer vehicles!! Act now and get in on all the benefits of being a TTA member for the rest of 2025!
Steering Committees
Our member-only Steering Committees; Business Development, Safety & Loss Control, Operations, and Solution Providers: are in full swing. Dates for monthly meetings are posted on the website. Remember, with your company membership you can have multiple individuals from your company included as members, so that you can, for example, have your loss control manager attend the Safety and Loss Control Steering Committee meetings.
Webinars Series
We are bringing you monthly webinars on a wide variety of topics. Already we’ve held webinars on Digital Marketing, Leveraging Your NEMT Business into an EMS Business, Government Relations Committee, and our new bi-monthly webinar on Trump Administration Updates. Coming up we have a great webinar next week, February 13th, from industry expert Jim Cermak, Driverge, on Tips for Driver Retention & Training, register now. Upcoming webinars planned include a discussion on the topic of ADA Accessibility & Scooters on Vehicles and many more.
RFP Listings
Our member-only page provides a listing of all the current RFP and procurement opportunities in all 50 states for our members’ industries. This member benefit alone will more than pay for the cost of your TTA membership!
TLPF Industry Resource Center (TIRC)
This is a unique benefit available only to TTA Members. The TLPF has established the Industry Resource Center. Every month industry expert Steve Yaffe provides an article on topics ranging from creating contracting opportunities to micro-transit to responding to RFPs. In addition, every TTA member can take advantage of up to 10 free hours of consulting with Steve Yaffe on matters relating to contracting, RFP responses, and grant opportunities. Do not let the year go by and leave your 10 free hours on the table!
Open Houses Are Back
We are bringing back TTA’s popular Open House events this year but with a twist! This year in addition to the great networking opportunities, we are also adding valuable educational courses in conjunction with each open house.
February 17th & 19th, VIP Taxi/HealthLift NEMT, Phoenix, AZ (Sold Out)
Feb. 18th Certified Stretcher Operator Instructor Training. Have one of your employees/drivers certified to train others to be CSOs (Certified Stretcher Operators) (space available, but register quickly!)
March 25th-26th, Driverge, Akron, OH
CTAA Wheelchair Securement Train the Trainer (space will be limited)
May TBD (3rd week), Braunability, Indianapolis, OH
June 10-20, AAMetro, Bridgewater, MA (clambake on the beach afterward)
Training sessions will include topics such as: understanding your financial statements, providing best-in-class service, and diversifying your business portfolio.
July TBD, Taxelco, Montreal, Canada
August 13th-15th, Sunshine Rides, Grand Junction, Colorado
Certified Stretcher Operator Training
September TBD, Go Ride, Baton Rouge, LA
Stayed tuned to TTA’s events page for updated information on these events.
Legislative Fly-In, April 29-30, Washington DC
Join your colleagues for two days as you receive updates on TTA’s current legislative agenda and opportunities for networking, interacting with policy leaders, and meetings with your elected officials. SPACE IS LIMITED so register now! This is a truly unique opportunity you won’t want to miss. We have several fun events planned in addition to our conference schedule and Hill visits.
TTA’s Mastering Business Fundamentals (sponsored by Bambi NEMT) Courses
This will be a free series open to members and non-members that will teach you how to manage your business, instead of your business managing you. We have put together an incredible set of courses covering topics you need to know.
April 18th – Mastering Financial Statements, presented by Ken Lucci, Principal Analyst, Driving Transactions
April 25th – Understanding Insurance beyond just Auto & General Liability, presented by Marc Crawford, Director of Transportation, S.W.A.N. Insurance
May 2nd, Navigating the HR Minefields, Juliam James, Senior Human Resource Business Partner, ADP
May 9th, Succession Planning for Longterm Success, Michael DeSiato, CExP, CEPA, CVGA, CPA, Business Transition Specialists LLC
May 16th, Developing Policies & Procedures to Grown and Run Your Business, Frank Ciccarella, Synergize Consulting
May 23rd, This is a TTA Members Only Event on pulling your data together to build information, real-time dashboards using PowerBI, APIs, and more presented by the team from ZTrip.
Thanks to our friends at Bambi NEMT this priceless educational series will be offered free to the public.
Mobilize 2025
Join us as we take the greatest show on passenger ground transportation back to Vegas, November 4-6, 2025. Stay tuned to our website and emails for more information including early registration, call for presenters and speakers, and sponsorship opportunities. As they like to say, “What happens in Vegas, benefits your business year-round!”
New Members Committee
This is not just for new members, but it is the best forum for new and prospective members to learn more about TTA, meet and hear from experienced TTA members on a wide range of topics, and explore ways to maximize the value of your TT membership.
As you can see, there is a little something for everybody this year, whether you are brand new to the industry and looking for advice and knowledge sharing, or your company has been around since the horse and buggy days. All you have to do is participate! Our goal is to give you a positive ROI on your TTA membership, but we can only do so if you take advantage of the many opportunities we have within TTA.
Dan Reid operates NEMT Provider companies in Mississippi and Louisiana. He currently serves as President of The Transportation Alliance and on NEMTAC’s Board of Directors. Dan is Co-Chair of NEMTAC’s Certification and Standards Advisory Committee and serves on the NEMTAC’s Accreditation Advisory Committee, Compliance & Regulatory Advisory Committee, and Technology Advisory Committee. Dan is a frequent author and speaker on issues related to the passenger ground transportation industry.